Terms & Conditions of “Elevate Your Future” Video Course

Ritsko Resources LLC, is Nevada Limited Liability Company, Ritsko Resources LLC, is the creator, author, editor, publisher, and narrator of the “Elevate Your Future” Video course. Elevate Your Future video course is designed for individuals interested in the investing strategies and opinions presented by Jared Ritsko.

This course is one of a kind, and contain copyrighted material and cannot be duplicated, copied, shared, or transmitted in any which way or form without written consent from Ritsko Resources, LLC.

The services of Ritsko Resources, LLC including the Elevate Your Future video course provides solely content and information for informational and educational purposes only, and do not constitute “investment advisory services” governed by the Investment Advisers Act of 1940. Ritsko Resources, LLC, directly or indirectly through the Site or its other products or services, does not engage in the business of advising you (or others) as to the value of securities, the advisability of investing in, purchasing, or selling securities, or the issuance or promulgation of analyses or reports concerning securities. The content and information provided by Ritsko Resources, LLC, the Site and the other products and services of Ritsko Resources, LLC, is solely incidental to the business and activities of Ritsko Resources, LLC in providing educational services.

You remain solely responsible for all decisions regarding your purchase and sale of securities, the suitability, profitability or appropriateness for you of any security, investment, financial product, investment strategy or other matter, and all other matters related to your investments and investment strategies. Ritsko Resources, LLC does not and will not provide you with any legal, tax, estate planning or accounting advice, or any advice regarding the suitability, profitability or appropriateness for you of any security, investment, financial product, investment strategy or other matter. You understand, acknowledge and agree that Ritsko Resources, LLC employees are not authorized to give any such advice, you will neither solicit nor rely on any investment advice from any Ritsko Resources, LLC employee. Ritsko Resources, LLC recommends that persons desiring to trade or invest in securities do so cautiously and only in consultation with their professional, licensed and qualified financial, legal, tax, estate planning and accounting advisors.

No data, content or information provided by Ritsko Resources, LLC, is intended, and shall not constitute or be construed as, advice or any recommendation to buy or sell securities, nor any offer, or solicitation of an offer, to buy or sell securities, nor an attempt to influence the purchase or sale of any security. Ritsko Resources, LLC is not registered as an investment adviser either with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, any other federal or national governmental or regulatory authority, or any state securities governmental or regulatory authority, and the business and activities of Ritsko Resources, LLC do not require any such registration.

No data, content or information provided by Ritsko Resources, LLC, the Site or the other products and services of Ritsko Resources, LLC, is intended, and shall not constitute or be construed as, advice or any recommendation to buy, sell or hold a particular security or pursue any particular investment strategy.

Ritsko Resources, LLC neither assumes responsibility for, nor guarantees the accuracy, currency, completeness or usefulness of information, commentary, recommendations, advice, strategies, investment ideas or other materials that may be accessed by you through the Ritsko Resources, LLC Video Course or the other products or services of Ritsko Resources, LLC.

If you choose to rely on such information, you understand, acknowledge and agree do so solely at your own risk. You understand, acknowledge and agree that the research, analysis, news or other information made available through the Elevate Your Future Videos Course or the other products or services of Ritsko Resources, LLC is not investment advice and is in no way tailored to reflect any personal financial circumstances or investment objectives and the securities and investment strategies discussed may not be suitable for you. Any determination to purchase or sell securities or otherwise invest in securities must be made solely by you after your independent investigation and evaluation thereof based on your personal financials and other circumstances and without any reliance on the data, content or information provided by Ritsko Resources, LLC, the Elevate Your Future Course or the other products and services of Ritsko Resources, LLC.

Ritsko Resources, LLC cannot, and does not, independently verify, assess or guarantee the validity, adequacy, timeliness, accuracy or completeness of any data, content or information, the suitability or profitability of any particular security or investment, or the potential value of any security, investment or informational source. You bear sole responsibility for your own investment research and decisions, and should seek the advice of a professional, licensed and qualified securities professional before purchasing or selling any security or making any investment.

All fees charged by Ritsko Resources, LLC in connection with any product purchased or account or service including the Elevate Your Future Videos Course are exclusive of any taxes, levies, or duties imposed by any taxing authority, and you shall be, and hereby are, responsible for the payment of all such taxes, levies, or duties arising from your purchase of products or use of the Site.

The purchase and sale of securities involves a high degree of risk. It is speculative and suitable only for persons who have substantial financial resources. The purchase and sale of securities should only be conducted by persons who understand and accept the risks involved therewith and who have independently reviewed and determined their acceptance and suitability of these risks and the financial and tax consequences thereof. Only persons who are able to bear the risk of substantial or complete loss of funds should engage in the purchase and sale of securities.

Ritsko Resources, LLC, and the content and information contained on the Site, and in other products and services of Ritsko Resources, LLC, do not indicate or guaranty any predictable, general, specific or other results. The purchase and sale of securities, and any other investment activity, involves a high degree of risk, and a number of factors could materially and adversely affect the results and lead to a substantial or complete loss of an investment.

Ritsko Resources, LLC, and its directors, officers, shareholders, employees, agents and affiliates, make no representation, warranty or guaranty as to the validity, adequacy, timeliness, accuracy, reliability or completeness of any data, content or information provided by any services produced by Ritsko Resources, LLC including the Elevate Your Future Video Course. You should independently analyze, review and confirm any such data, content or information.

Ritsko Resources, LLC may express or utilize testimonials or descriptions of past performance, but such items are not indicative of future results or performance, or any representation, warranty or guaranty that any result will be obtained by you. Your results may differ materially from those expressed or utilized by Ritsko Resources, LLC due to a number of factors.

Ritsko Resources, LLC, has the right to correct typographical errors and or re word, clarify, or edit any speech or type published in these Terms & Conditions and/or the Elevate Your Future video course.

REFUND POLICY: There is a ZERO Refund Policy.

Ritsko Resources and its Owners have the right to revoke any chatroom privileges at any time, if you do not follow the chat rules you will be removed.


Thank you for your purchase of “Elevate Your Future” informational video course. Throughout this course if any questions or concerns arise regarding any information or “Best Practices” used by Jared Ritsko or any team member of Ritsko Resources, LLC. Please feel free to contact us directly.